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Accelerate World Peace ​Through Bitcoin Adoption

Our team of orange-glove educators and consultants can help your mission-driven organization achieve its goals with the world's most PEACEFUL money...Bitcoin. 


Protect Your Future.

Mission: Help 10,000 mission-driven organizations adopt Bitcoin for PEACE

Welcome to Bitcoin for PEACE, where we are committed to providing the highest quality of education and consulting services to help mission-driven clients like you, make informed decisions in the evolving world of Bitcoin.


Our team of experts is passionate about empowering individuals and businesses with the knowledge and skills necessary to optimize the benefits of Bitcoin on your balance sheet in everyday transactions.


The path to Bitcoin adoption has many facets and is not a one-size fits all approach.  That is why we offer you customized consulting services that are designed to fit the unique problems and needs of each situation, so you can achieve your financial goals with confidence.

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